John Kerry

John Forbes Kerry seems to attract the right (or, should that be the hard left) sort of crowd. He is a commie apologetic cunt.

As the picture shows though, it doesn't seem to stop him enjoying the good life. Hypocritical commie cunt.

Che Guevara

Sorry kids, but Ernesto is a murderous commie dead cunt. It doesn't matter what your fucking t-shirt says.

As well all know, Cuba is now the number one destination for those seeking to better themselves academically and avoid poverty.

But hey, free fucking health service (if you're a foreigner, you even get to throw Cuban peasants behind you in the queue).

Stick that up your arses, you student champagne-and-posh-fucking-gaff-in-Hampstead communist cunts.

Jane Fonda

Jane Fonda is an arrogant thick almost dead commie cunt.

And her looks are shot to fucking buggery as well (a very unuseful idiot)...

Chris Knight

This overgrown kid of a commie cunt is also an anarchist commie cunt.

Yep, he's such a commie cunt that he gets two links!

Silly old fucker.

Barack Obama

Barack Obama is definitely a commie cunt. Just look at his pals.

John Reid

Another Labour Party "former commie" (what a shocker, right?). Commie cunt.

Bob Ainsworth

Read about the wig wearing, Hitler moustached, Marxist, IRA supporting commie cunt come spineless wanker of a defence secretary here.

Eric Hobsbawm

Sadly this coffin dodger of a commie cunt is still gaining space in the mainstream media and even more sadly he isn't quite dead yet.

Another wealthy mansion owning hypocrite of a commie cunt.

Peter Mandleson

Mandleson's commie cunt factfile, delightfully served up by his red friends at the Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation.